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A mammogram is an X-ray picture of the breast that allows providers to look for early signs of breast cancer. Regular mammograms are the best tests providers have to find breast cancer early, sometimes up to three years before it can be felt.

Pap Smear

Also known as a pap test, a pap smear tests for cervical cancer. A pap smear involves collecting a sample of cells from your cervix in order to detect cervical cancer or abnormal cells that may have the potential to turn into cervical cancer.


A colonoscopy is one of the several tests used to detect colorectal cancer. Using a scope, providers look for abnormal tissue and polyps.

Blood Pressure

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is one of the key risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Schedule regular blood pressure screenings to know your numbers and take measures to get healthy.

Blood Sugar

The risk for diabetes in women is higher if you are overweight or pregnant. Regular blood sugar, or glucose, screenings are important to identify readings of prediabetes and monitor levels of those who have diabetes. When pregnant, women should be screened for gestational diabetes

What screenings do you need?

When you take preventive care measures, it’s easier for your care team to detect, treat, and prevent harmful health conditions that would otherwise remain hidden. There are several female-specific health screenings every woman should begin having regularly at some point in her life. There are also general health screenings available that can detect certain female-specific conditions and diseases.

Don’t put your health on hold!

It’s important to talk to your provider about which screenings you need and when to start getting them. Make an appointment to discuss health screenings and prioritize your preventive care today!