New year, healthy you.
Most people create New Year’s resolutions at the start of each year. However, these goals are often quickly put to the side—only to be picked up again when the next year comes around. We’re hoping to provide you with some realistic goals that you can prioritize in 2024.
Healthy doesn’t have to be hard.

Eat more whole foods
Whole foods are foods that have not been processed. When foods are processed, important nutrients are removed and fat, sugar, or salt is added. In excess, these additives can increase your risk of developing a chronic disease.

Examples of whole foods include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains (such as oats or brown rice), nuts, beans, fish, lean meats, and eggs.

Get more quality sleep

Getting enough quality sleep has many benefits. It helps reduce stress and improve your mood, lowers your risk for problems like diabetes and heart disease, keeps you from getting sick as often, helps you maintain a healthy weight, and improves your ability to think clearly and communicate effectively.

Find a physical activity that you enjoy

Exercise is incredibly important for our entire body’s health, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring.
o Watch TV or listen to upbeat music while working out
o Have a friend join you for a bike ride or Pilates class
o Take dancing lessons
o Go on a scenic hike
o Join a local soccer team

Practice self-care
Our homes can be a great location to prioritize self-care routines and commit to healthy daily habits. Check out our video to find out all the ways you can maintain your mental health at home: Self-care at home

Cook more meals at home
Cooking meals at home is a great way to save money, connect with your loved ones, and can be a healthier option than takeout. We recommend checking out this site Eating Well for healthy recipes no matter your restrictions, diet, conditions, or preferences.

Spend time outside
It’s proven that spending time outside can improve your physical and mental health. The great outdoors offers a nice change of scenery from your house or office. Your breathing can improve, and you take in vitamin D. You can take hikes for exercise with a view and interact with nature. When you step away from the chaotic overstimulation of your phone or computer, and spend some time outside, it aids in mental restoration by reducing stress and low mood.

Sit less, and move more
Health experts recommend that every thirty minutes of sitting should be supplemented by three minutes of physical activity, such as walking or body weight resistance exercises at a light to moderate intensity.

We encourage you to make these healthy habits a goal in the new year. Talk to your provider if you have any questions about which routines are right for you.

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